Progressive Recovery Coach Training - Level 2


About Progressive Recovery Coach Training (PRCT) Level 1 and 2

Whether you want to shift careers, grow your professional coaching or healthcare practice, and/or help a loved one, you would definitely benefit from our Progressive Recovery Coach Training (PRCT) training program.

The PRCT program provides you with in-depth training in the 4 main activities of a Progressive Recovery Coach or PRC, best remembered with the acronym, "N.E.A.R.," which stands for Navigation, Engagement, Accompaniment & Reduction of Relapses.

There are two levels of training in the course, which may be taken separately. Level 1 is a self-directed course which includes in-depth video lectures and reading. Level 2 courses are conducted as live webinars and provide you with opportunities to apply your learning and gain practice through coaching exercises. Both levels and an oral exam must be completed to become certified as a Progressive Recovery Coach.

Progressive Recovery Coach Training - Level 2

This advanced level consists of 4 1 ½ hour live webinars, providing you with opportunities to reinforce your learning from Level 1. Through the use of role-plays and coaching practice clients, you will receive feedback on and reinforcement of your skills in Progressive Recovery Coaching.

Ten hours of pro-bono coaching is required.

The prerequisite for progressing into Level 2 is successful completion of Level 1 and Dr. Pantalon will work with you in terms of setting up available times for Level 2.

Students who have successfully completed Level 1 and 2 may become certified after completing an oral examination, demonstrating your proficiency in PRC.

Course Prerequisites

Progressive Recovery Coach Training - Level 1

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