Make Coaching an Additional Skill Set

By: Christa Coletti

I have always enjoyed coaching because it is co-creative; I grow as my clients grow. What I think is so powerful about coaching is that it 1) focuses on the positive and 2) is adaptable to any person, from any background, at any stage in their life. Too often we focus on the root of problems— where and how they originated, how they impact us, and on how to resolve them. Most people receive many messages from society today about how they aren’t good enough, or how they need more of something, or how they’re not quite going to be happy until they have “X”, whatever that may be. I think over-emphasis on what a person’s life lacks saps a lot of energy. What about the healing power of focusing on what’s right and building on that? Acquiring coaching skills will help you make better use of positive elements to your benefit and to the benefit of those around you.

Additionally, I believe those of us in the healing professions continually need to be evolving, changing, and growing in order to be the best at what we do. One way to do this is to acquire and test out new skills to add to our repertoire. Adding coaching to your skill set will provide many strategies to empower yourself and those around you.

Using coaching adds value to both your chosen profession and your personal life. For example:

  • focusing on the future and not the past. The future is where dreams are and where opportunity lies. Sometimes it’s best to let the past be in the past.
  • celebrating the positive. There tends to be a lot of focus on what’s wrong with ourselves, creating undue stress. Spending some time celebrating what’s right creates a burst of positive energy for you, your clients, and the important people in your life.
  • clarifying personal values and goals. It’s important to be detailed about what you want out of your life and your practice. Through the benefits of coaching, you can tailor both your personal and professional life to be more in line with your values.
  • creating strategies to maintain personal reserves of energy. Devising ways to maintain your energy levels when working with other people, especially in the helping professions, is imperative to prevent burnout and improve quality of life.
  • staying on top of your game. Be proactive, not retroactive! Coaching can help you formulate contingency plans to deal with work or issues at home. You’ll be prepared and less likely to act on impulse.

By adding coaching skills, you will foster an environment at both work and home that is more adaptable, more flexible, and more creative. It will be a dynamic and energizing environment that produces results. Coaching is truly beneficial to whatever purpose you may have in your life or your work.

Christa is a Professional Life Coach and owner of Vivacious Living.
She spent a third of her life in the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan, and focuses on cross-cultural coaching, transition coaching, and coaching those with chronic illnesses. Create the life you seek!