
  • What is Mastery? Part 1
January 20, 9:08 pm

What is Mastery in Coaching? Join ILCT founder Pat Williams as he discusses this subject.

Next month's call will be a follow-up to this one—you'll get to see mastery in action as Pat does a live coaching demonstration.

When I was granted my Master Certified Coach designation from the International Coach Federation in 1998, I was both honored and dismayed. I was one of the founding members of the ICF and had indeed been coaching over 2500 hours since 1990, but I did not agree with the use of the word Master Coach. Master implies a level of observable and/or quantifiable skills sets that usually are attained through a long involvement in a profession, sport or other skill. And I think that has proven to be difficult to measure and get agreement on in the hundreds of Master Coach designation since then. (read the rest...)

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