Get the latest information on coaching trends and topics of interest through ILCT's free teleconferences.



Audio Archives

  • “To Advise or Not to Advise,” that is the Question

    There have been ongoing conversations around advising, suggesting and knowledge sharing as a coach. We will be looking more closely at the ethics involved in choosing to advise.

  • Coaching With The Senses

    What would be possible if you were to ramp up efficiency and make the most of your brainpower?

    80% of our brain activity is in our Feeling Brain

    20% of our brain activity is in our Thinking Brain

    Explore how to...

  • The Contemplative Coach

    Self-care, and especially care for the soul, is crucial for coaches.

  • Bring Your Business to Life (or Back to Life) with More Ease!

    Whenever you step into a new phase of your business, you already know you must market consistently to build your business.

    What you may not realize is that there are some crucial steps to take before you start sharing your new business or new services with others. In this presentation, Carol shares five gentle and encouraging insights to help you clarify your vision and resolve gaps that may be holding you back from moving forward with your business and doing more of the work you love with paying clients.

  • What’s Important to Know About Client Referral to Other Professional Services with Tina Elliot

    This discussion will be around client referrals for any and all additional professional services your clients might need with a major focus on clarity around psychological referral.

  • What’s Important About Ethics in Our Use of Social Media

    ICF is preparing to do another update to their Code of Ethics soon and the odds are good there will be a more in-depth focus on the use of social medial in an ethical manner.

    You can find both the ICF Code of Ethics and the ICF Ethical Interpretive statements at the following links to use during this conversation.

    ICF Code of EthicsICF Ethical Interpretive Statements

  • How Conflicts of Interest in Coaching Can Sneak Up and Bite You in the Rear

    This free ethics call will be an open discussion around conflicts of interest in coaching and some of the significant additions to the ICF Code of Ethics in 2019 and why ICF has made them.

  • Job Search Coaching

    With the rapid advances in technology, the evolution of the “gig economy,” and the seismic shifts occurring post-pandemic, the job search processes—technical and emotional—is more overwhelming than ever. Find out how coaching benefits job—shifters and -seekers and how much...

  • What’s Grief Coaching Got to Do with It

    Learn how grief coaching can assist you in moving clients forward from any loss to a more fulfilled and meaningful life.

    June 16th at 1:00 PM

  • Creating With Canva

    In this training, faculty member Michelle McEllis will pull back the digital curtain and show you how you can use Canva to brand, grow and polish your brand and your business.

  • 12 Business Systems Every Coach Needs

    Learn the 12 most important business systems to implement into your coaching business

  • Brand Your Coaching Business

    Branding is the golden thread of your business that connects your presence, your mission and your vision into a message that connects with your ideal client. Your brand impacts how people...

  • Podcasting For Coaching Impact & Profit

    Podcasting is a powerful way for coaches to get their voice and their message out to the world. Not only do you gain visibility and authority, but podcasting is a great way to drive traffic to your website, grow your email list and ultimately increase revenue!

  • A Deeper Dive into the new ICF Code of Ethics & EIS statements

    When revisions and additions to the ICF’s Code of Ethics are made, there’s typically a reason for them.

  • Masterful Mindset

    Mindset is the cornerstone of coaching. Understanding how clients see themselves, the barriers in front of them and power within them, will......

  • Moving Your Practice Online: What You Need to Know

    ... ramp up quickly and bring your clients online

  • Identifying Opportunities to Position Your Coaching Business Now

    Join us for a discussion with ILCT Faculty Member Peter Metzner

  • Coaching During a Crisis

    This will be an open discussion and may include topics such as...

  • SOS Resilience In Times of Covid-19

    Suddenly, our world has shifted and life has changed...

  • What are the revisions to the Code of Ethics REALLY all about?

    When revisions and additions to the ICF code of ethics are made, there’s typically a reason for them....

  • Ethical Hot Spots in Executive Coaching

    4 Areas of Ethical Awareness to Fine Tune

    Executive coaching has numerous areas to be aware of due to the dynamics of working inside organizations. We are engaging not only with our coachee, but also with sponsors, stakeholders, managers and possibly others.

  • Change the World Christian Coaching

    A multitude of people in the United States and the World consider themselves to be Christians but do not know how to live the purpose God has for them. In recent polls, 70% of the US population calls themselves Christians but do not live a fulfilled life based on their unique calling. If everyone lived...

  • Staying Out Of Ethical Hot Water: What Are Your Ethical Blind Spots?

    Ethical blind spots can lead you into unethical behavior before you are aware...

  • Coaching Clients in Transition: Course Preview

    Every client you work with is in the process of making one or more changes in their personal and professional lives. They may be navigating significant transitions that happened to them or they may be choosing to enhance their life in some way. Change has the potential to completely transform our clients' lives. As a transition coach you have the opportunity to support them in making the most of this time of change.

  • Coaching Presence

    Presence is the heart of coaching!

    Without understanding presence, coaching is merely a technique that lacks inspiration...

  • Caribou Coffee and Confidentiality - Ethical or Not?

    It’s a common practice for some coaches to meet clients, potential clients and sponsors at coffee shops. So how do you have these meetings and assure confidentiality?

  • How to Be Direct without Crossing the Line: Course Preview

    Do you find yourself on the thin line of wanting to be direct without crossing the line into being too directive where you may lose clients, customers, direct reports (and fail your coaching exam)?

  • Mindset: Taking Charge of Your Client Lifetime Value

    Join us for this exciting three-call series by marketing expert Terry Pappy.

  • Multiple Relationships as a Coach, Ethical or Not?

    Staying Out of Ethical Hot Water for Coaches looks at “gray areas” of coaching ethics. This means, you may not find specific ICF ethics code for these gray areas, however a lack of awareness in these gray areas can lead to a breach of black and white ethics code.

  • Mindset: Making the Sales and Marketing Part of Running Your Business Easier

    This is the second call in our three-call series, Calm the Overwhelm: Building the Right Mindset For a Winning Coaching Practice.

  • Mindset: Transitioning from Coaching Student to Business Owner

    This is the first call in our three-call series, Calm the Overwhelm: Building the Right Mindset For a Winning Coaching Practice.

  • Coaching Techniques and Practices: A Polishing Course

    Are you preparing to take the PCC or ACC Exam? Took coaching courses a while ago and feel a bit rusty? Renewing your ICF credential? Want to continue to enhance your mastery of coaching skills?

  • Discover Your Relationship

    Part 3 of 3

    In this final call, we'll talk about how you can use your existing network to grow your coaching business.

  • Discover Your Client

    Part 2 of 3

    Develop a profile of your ideal client. This conversation will provide insight into the creative exploration of not only who you want to serve, but what their biggest pain points are and what their world is like.

  • Discover Your Why

    Part 1 of 3

    Reverse engineer your marketing and lead generation by discovering why you do the work you do.

  • Developing Your Coaching Business

    A lot of students have questions when it comes to turning their coaching passions into actual practices and we’d like to help.

  • The ABC’s of Coach Credentialing

    ACC. BCC. CLC. PCC. What is the credential for you? And do you really need to be credentialed?

  • Incorporating Complementary and Alternative Modalities within Your Coaching Practice

    Wellness isn't just a buzzword, it is a way of life for many people...

  • Are Your Phone Conversations Confidential?

    Best Practices for Coaches

    We will discuss the aspects of phone technology and what coaches need to know to provide secure and confidential services to their clients.

  • How Do Coaches Share Coaching Results Ethically?

    There is a lot being said on the internet about the results attained from working with a coach—and not exactly in an ethical manner.

  • Demystifying Facebook

    Learn the 7 "musts" to unlocking the power of social media.

  • Is Your Email Secure? To Encrypt or Not to Encrypt

    Confidentiality is a crucial component of any coaching relationship, and now more than ever, so is the use of technology.

  • Building a Coaching Business in Diverse Communities

    Do you find it difficult and challenging to coach within communities of color? That sometimes your credentials aren't getting you into the places where you would like to *really* make a difference?

  • Ethics: Coaching Agreements

    Join ILCT faculty member, Tina Elliot, to discuss important policies, terms and conditions for your coaching agreement.

  • F.R.I.E.N.D.ship-based Marketing - How to Win Clients and Have Fun Doing it!

    Most new coaches dread the idea of having to sell themselves in order to get clients, let alone "networking" in order to meet them.

  • Getting Naked: On Being Emotionally Transparent…

    Ways to uncover your authentic self at Work, Home, in Relationships and Life

  • What is Mastery? Part 2 - Live Coaching Demonstration

    Interested in watching a master coach at work?

  • Creating Wellbeing with Your Clients - Wellness Inventory Certification Training

    Jim Strohecker, CEO of WellPeople, provides a look at the history of the modern wellness movement, wellness coaching, and the Wellness Inventory—a widely used assessment tool based on the work of Dr. Travis.

  • Creating Your First Coaching Product - Write a Book in a Weekend

    I know it sounds fishy - but I did it and I'd like to show you how.

  • Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Coaching Business

    After this call, you'll be ready to use social media to your advantage!

  • What is Mastery? Part 1

    What is Mastery in Coaching?

  • Cognitive Behavioral Coaching

    The aim of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching or CBC as it is known, is to develop ways of thinking and associated behaviours that are more productive and likely to assist an individual reach their desired goals in life.

  • Creating Your First Community-Based Coaching Program

    Creating your first coaching program can seem daunting IF...

  • Coaching Youths: Update

    Join Pat Williams and Christa Colletti to hear about innovative ways of offering coaching to youths. The “Road to Success” youth program has been in operation since September 2012 with great success.

  • Body-Mind Awareness

    Join Dr. Lauree Moss and Ellen Neiley Ritter to learn more about somatic coaching and ILCT's Wellness Coaching certification program.

  • Continuing the conversation on the newly updated ICF Ethics Code

    Join ILCT faculty member Tina Elliot to discuss this important issue.

  • News and Updates on the BCC Credential

    Are you planning to pursue the Board Certified Coach credential? Are you already a Board Certified Coach?

  • The Points-of-You Method

    Learn state of the art creative communication tools for personal and professional work!

  • Coaching Senior Transitions

    Have you thought about the potential for life enrichment for seniors via coaching?

  • Perspective Shifting

    Growth often occurs as a result of shifting one’s perspectives and therefore, is an important tool in the coaches’ toolbox.

  • Ways of Engaging Your Clients with Shadow Coaching and Whole Day Visioning Sessions

    In this call you will discover fun and engaging ways to begin work with a new executive or business owner.

  • Power vs. Force

    Pat Williams will present the work of David Hawkins and discuss how you can use this technique yourself and with your clients, with muscle testing for goals, behaviors, challenges, etc.

  • ICF Revised Ethics Code - How did it come to be?

    As the coaching profession’s visibility and exposure increases so does the need to operate ethically and protect ourselves from ethical complaints.

  • The Magic of Metaphors

    Metaphors can be a wonderful tool for working with your client; taking the coaching deeper.

  • 7 Sins That Get You Stuck and How To Pull Yourself Out Of The Muck

    The 7 "sins" that most coaches commit that get them stuck in the muck, how to identify them and most of all, how to get out of the muck

  • Coaching Forum: Coaching Demonstration

    Interested in watching a master coach at work?

  • Do You Have an Identity Crisis?

    Brand identity, marketing and making a difference

  • Summer Slump: Super Charge Your Social Media

    Techniques for overcoming periods of inactivity and getting things moving again

  • Your Shadow: Don’t Leave Home Without It

    Impact your coaching and your own life by bringing light to the shadow—the place where both undesired memories and feelings reside

  • Supervision (aka Peer Consultation): What role can it play in your coaching practice?
  • Relationship Marketing - When And How to Propose to Your Prospect

    If you're having trouble getting people to accept your invitation to a Complimentary Coaching Session or hiring you afterwards...

  • When You Selected the “Wrong” Client

    You have chosen the wrong client – now what? A discussion on how to ethically manage a client relationship that is challenging or the wrong fit for you as a coach.

  • Using Images Effectively

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses the ins and outs of using images in your online presence.

  • Coaching Forum: April 2015

    How to Write a Book in Record Time in the Midst of Your Busy Life for More Clients, More Income and More Impact

  • For Bloggers: Giving Writer’s Block the Boot
  • Coaching Forum, February 2015: Interview with Laura Berman Fortgang

    Join Pat Williams as he interviews Laura Berman Fortgang, a pioneer in the life coaching field about her life, career, and book, Now What?: 90 Days to a New Life Direction.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 7: LinkedIn

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she explains how to harness the power of LinkedIn to build your coaching practice.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 6: Blogging

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses blogging as a tool to build your coaching practice.

  • Using the PeopleMap in Coaching

    In this call Lynn Meinke will be hosting a panel discussion to hear why many of our faculty members are passionate about using the PeopleMap assessment in their coaching practice.

  • Leveraging the Holiday Season to Market your Coaching Business

    Join Katie Karpalla to explore the power of your network, creating influence, and promoting your business through the holiday season. The call will explore basic principles around this subject, and then open up for a creative brainstorming session.

  • How to Pitch to Magazines as a Writer

    Now’s a great time to establish yourself as a freelance content-provider. You’ll learn how to figure out what print and digital magazines want, how to match your area of expertise with possible markets and how to structure a compelling story pitch.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 5: Twitter for Beginners

    Click here for the companion document for this call!

  • How to Write Outstanding Blogs

    You need and want to blog. But where do ideas come from? What’s the ideal structure and length? Should you have or do guest blogs? How often should you post? Let's get you writing!

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 4: Getting a Website - Where to Begin

    So, you need a website? Join Tracy Ray, of Pink Pigeon Media, as she discusses this important aspect of your coaching business.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 3: Facebook for Beginners
  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 2: Using Social Media for your Coaching Business

    Part two of a free teleconference series presented by The Institute for Life Coach Training and Tracy Ray, founder of Pink Pigeon Media, to provide you with the tools to understand the constantly changing online applications that you can use to market your coaching practice.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 1: Social Media Overview

    This is the first call in a free teleconference series presented by The Institute for Life Coach Training and Tracy Ray, founder of Pink Pigeon Media, to provide you with the tools to understand the constantly changing online applications that you can use to market your coaching practice.

  • Coaching Youths: The Road to Success Program
  • Change Your Questions, Change Your Results
  • Coaching Forum, May 2014: Using Metaphors in Coaching
  • Shifting Your Mindset: Becoming a Coach or Being a Coach
  • Coaching Forum, January 2014
  • Executive Coaching
  • Tools and Techniques for Video Coaching
  • ILCT Specialist Certification Programs
  • Coaching Forum, November 2013
  • The Myth of Time Management
  • Coaching Forum, October 2013
  • Do I Need to Have a Web Presence?
  • 10 Steps Toward a Meaningful Life
  • Coaching Forum, September 2013
  • Mindfulness in Coaching
  • Coaching Forum, August 2013
  • How to Build A Wildly Successful Business Practice
  • Are you using technology in your coaching practice?
  • Which comes first; Competence or Confidence?

    Both are important to be a successful and busy coach. Dr. Patrick Williams shares his insights and experience.

  • Master Coaching Demonstration with Dr. Pat

    Listen to a coaching demonstration

  • Ethics in Coaching

    Discussing some of the pitfalls and challenges coaches face.