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  • Body-Mind Awareness

    Body-Mind Awareness, noticing your breath and where you experience it in your body can deepen coaching: It enhances coaching presence; it provides more information in experimenting with possibilities and the rightness of choices, it assists us in shifting perspectives and it increases awareness of sensations. Join Dr. Lauree Moss and Ellen Neiley Ritter...

  • Change Your Questions, Change Your Results

    Join Pat Williams as he interviews Marilee Adams, Ph.D. as she discusses her Question Thinking methods and the tools and methods coaches can implement to move from Judger Mindset to the Learner Mindset and how that move can change our lives and those of our clients. Marilee Adams, Ph.D. is president of the...

  • Client Screening for Success Coaching

    How do you know if your client is ready for coaching? Or what kind of coaching? ILCT instructor Jeanne Erikson will address the professional issues surrounding this important issue.

  • Coaching Clients in Transition: Course Preview

    This link will be referenced during the call. Every client you work with is in the process of making one or more changes in their personal and professional lives. They may be navigating significant transitions that happened to them or they may be choosing to enhance their life in some way. Change has...

  • Coaching During a Crisis

    Join this gathering for coaches to share experiences, techniques and ideas as we each encounter COVID-19 with our clients and ourselves. Facilitated by ILCT Senior Faculty member Lynn Meinke, PCC. This will be an open discussion and may include topics such as: • Self-Care for Coach and Client • Support vs. Achieving an...

  • Coaching Forum, April 2014

    Enter into the world of men and masculinity. Today we’ll explore coaching with men. This includes how coaching with men may miss the mark due to assumptions and stereotypes as well as what works in coaching men. Patrick Williams speaks with psychologist Ed Adams, recipient of the Practitioner of the Year Award of...

  • Coaching Forum, December 2013

    Mentoring vs. Supervision in Coaching Join Patrick Williams as he discusses the meaning, differences, and the benefits of mentoring and supervision and whether you need them in your coaching practice.

  • Coaching Forum, January 2015: Do we, or don’t we, offer advice as coaches?

    The Coaching industry, my books, and the teachings of ILCT have been emphasizing for 20 years now that coaches avoid advising their clients. The key term of this teaching needs to be looked at honestly. And what really goes on behind closed doors of coaches? I suspect many coaches give much more advice...

  • Coaching Forum, May 2014: Using Metaphors in Coaching

    Join Pat Williams as he discusses using metaphors in coaching with Kristen Truman-Allen. Coaching is a relationship developed for the purpose of creating some change or to achieve a specific goal. Metaphor is an imaginative linguistic tool representing one thing in terms of another. This phenomenological study explored the experience of 10 coaching...

  • Coaching Forum, November 2013

    Pat Williams and Mairlyn O'Hearne share take-aways and the salient points from the ICF special event from October on cultural competency and diversity awareness.

  • Coaching Forum, October 2013

    Coaching Demonstration Join ILCT Founder and Master Coach Dr. Patrick Williams as he does a coaching demonstration with one of the attendees and then leads a discussion on techniques used and their impact.

  • Coaching Forum: Coaching Demonstration

    Interested in watching a master coach at work? ILCT founder Pat Williams will be coaching one individual during this call and then talking about the dynamics and skills that were observed.

  • Coaching in Crisis: The Coaches Response to Covid-19

    Join us for an virtual session with Dr. Patrick Williams, former Psychologist, MCC coach since 1998, ICF mentor coach, and instructor at coaching schools globally. He will facilitate a powerful discussion around how coaches can maintain their mental health, step coherently into VUCA environment (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) and make a difference in...

  • Coaching Presence

    Presence is the heart of coaching! Without understanding presence, coaching is merely a technique that lacks inspiration. Attend this exciting and interactive presentation and get clarity around: • The difference between “partnering” and “being responsive,” • The meaning of “self-management,” • A deeper understanding of “dancing in the moment,” • Integrating the “who”...

  • Coaching Senior Transitions

    Have you thought about the potential for life enrichment for seniors via coaching? Former ILCT student and Life Chapters Coach, Phoebe Van Ham, LCSW, BCC will share her experiences working with this population and the array of possibilities for coaching with seniors in various group living arrangements/communities at many levels of health or...

  • Coaching Techniques and Practices: A Polishing Course

    Are you preparing to take the PCC or ACC Exam? Took coaching courses a while ago and feel a bit rusty? Renewing your ICF credential? Want to continue to enhance your mastery of coaching skills? Join ILCT faculty member Lynn Meinke, PCC to discuss this exciting course from ILCT, developed to help you...

  • Coaching With The Senses

    What would be possible if you were to ramp up efficiency and make the most of your brainpower? 80% of our brain activity is in our Feeling Brain 20% of our brain activity is in our Thinking Brain Explore how to unlock the sensory system and identify triggers in your coaching and listen for...

  • Cognitive Behavioral Coaching

    Join Pat Williams and Gladeana McMahon for a discussion of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. The aim of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching or CBC as it is known, is to develop ways of thinking and associated behaviours that are more productive and likely to assist an individual reach their desired goals in life. The process helps...

  • CPH & Associates - February 24, 2010

    How to Avoid Common Ethical Complaints - Part 1

  • CPH & Associates - March 23, 2010

    How to Avoid Common Ethical Complaints - Part 2

  • Ethics in Coaching

    Join Pat Williams and Sara Oberg, CPH & Associates, Inc. as they examine Ethics in Coaching, and discuss some of the pitfalls and challenges coaches face.

  • How to Be Direct without Crossing the Line: Course Preview

    Do you find yourself on the thin line of wanting to be direct without crossing the line into being too directive where you may lose clients, customers, direct reports (and fail your coaching exam)? As a globally experienced Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Coach Trainer and Mentor Coach, Marilyn O'Hearn sees other coaches and...

  • Master Coaching Demonstration with Dr. Pat

    Master Coaching with Dr. Pat Join ILCT Founder Dr. Patrick Williams, MCC, BCC, as he conducts a lively coaching demonstration and offers critiques. A great opportunity to see and learn from a master coach in action.

  • Masterful Mindset

    Mindset is the cornerstone of coaching. Understanding how clients see themselves, the barriers in front of them and power within them, will help you coach them to transform each area of their life. Join us as we explore how master our mindsets and gain some tangible strategies you can implement with your clients...

  • Perspective Shifting

    Growth often occurs as a result of shifting one’s perspectives and therefore, is an important tool in the coaches’ toolbox. Join Dr. Pat Williams to discuss the different approaches coaches can use with their clients, among them Reframing, Meta view, What if, As if, and Stepping into the Future. Here are the two...

  • Power vs. Force

    Pat Williams will present the work of David Hawkins and discuss how you can use this technique yourself and with your clients, with muscle testing for goals, behaviors, challenges, etc. Companion Documents Levels of Consciousness

  • Presence

    ... an essential Skill for the Coach AND the Client As an ICF competency, Presence is defined as: 4. Coaching Presence—Ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident. Is present and flexible during the coaching process, dancing in the moment...

  • SOS Resilience In Times of Covid-19

    Suddenly, our world has shifted and life has changed. Whether you’re working from home, parenting as you try to get work done, or your business shut down or disappeared, it can all seem a bit overwhelming. But it’s important to remember that we are resilient. Join ILCT faculty member, resilience coach and expert...

  • The Magic of Metaphors

    Metaphors can be a wonderful tool for working with your client; taking the coaching deeper. Join Master Coach Pat Williams as he demonstrates how to integrate this powerful technique into your coaching practice and the focus of his class, Energizing Coaching Conversations with Metaphors.

  • The Points-of-You Method

    Regarding every person, object, situation, or opinion we experience, there are infinite points of view. The real challenge is to succeed in seeing points of view other than those we already know, to see things from a new angle. Change usually begins when we’re ready to see things from other points of view...

  • Using the PeopleMap in Coaching

    In this call, ILCT faculty member, Lynn Meinke, hosts a panel discussion to hear why many of our faculty members are passionate about using the PeopleMap assessment in their coaching practice. Joining Lynn are Mike Lillibridge, developer of the PeopleMap, and Fred Meinke - a great opportunity to learn from seasoned coaches.

  • Ways of Engaging Your Clients with Shadow Coaching and Whole Day Visioning Sessions

    In this call, led by Pat Williams, you will discover fun and engaging ways to begin work with a new executive or business owner: Vision retreats and shadow coaching in the workplace.

  • What is Mastery? Part 1

    What is Mastery in Coaching? Join ILCT founder Pat Williams as he discusses this subject. Next month's call will be a follow-up to this one—you'll get to see mastery in action as Pat does a live coaching demonstration. When I was granted my Master Certified Coach designation from the International Coach Federation in...

  • What is Mastery? Part 2 - Live Coaching Demonstration

    This call is a follow up to the July call, What is Mastery? Part 1 Interested in watching a master coach at work? ILCT founder Pat Williams will be coaching one individual during this call and then talking about the dynamics and skills that were observed. Read more about Mastery in Coaching, here.

  • What’s Grief Coaching Got to Do with It

    Join faculty member Lisa Connors and gain insight from students Teris Espinosa, Twyla Turner, and Valerie Lewis about their experiences in the grief coaching program at ILCT. Learn how grief coaching can assist you in moving clients forward from any loss to a more fulfilled and meaningful life. Learning Objectives: At the end...

  • Which comes first; Competence or Confidence?

    Join ILCT Founder and coaching pioneer Patrick Williams, MCC, BCC as he answers this question Which comes first...Competence or Confidence? Both are needed to be a successful and busy coach!

  • Why Coaching Doesn’t “Help” People and Other Linguistic Barriers to Coaching Success!

    Join veteran ILCT faculty members Lynn Meinke, PCC and Dr. Jim Vuocolo, MCC for a discussion of how the language we employ serves to advance, or inhibit, the growth and understanding of coaching clients.

  • Your Shadow: Don’t Leave Home Without It

    Join Pat Williams and explore how to impact your coaching and your own life by bringing light to the shadow—the place where both undesired memories and feelings reside, but also where future greatness and unrealized aspirations and goals need to be brought into the light. The shadow side of our personality for many...