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  • 12 Business Systems Every Coach Needs

    In this masterclass, facilitated by ILCT faculty member Michelle McEllis, you will learn the 12 most important business systems to implement into your coaching business. Many of these are free or nearly free so you won't break the bank while earning a buck! It is a must attend training to streamline and scale...

  • 7 Sins That Get You Stuck and How To Pull Yourself Out Of The Muck

    Join ILCT faculty member Michelle Armstrong as she discusses the 7 "sins" that most coaches commit that get them stuck in the muck, how to identify them and most of all, how to get out of the muck and into success for your coaching business and life!

  • 7 Super Simple Ways Coaches Can Use Social Media To Increase Revenue Without Breaking The Bank!

    Let's face it, almost everyone is on some form of social media platform spending hours per day scrolling, "like" or "hearting" posts, and sharing content. Hands down, social media is the most powerful marketing tool we have, but so few coaches really know how to use it to grow their business. You know...

  • Brand Your Coaching Business

    Branding is the golden thread of your business that connects your presence, your mission and your vision into a message that connects with your ideal client. Your brand impacts how people see you, the experience they have with you and ultimately how they feel about you. When people feel connected to a brand...

  • Bring Your Business to Life (or Back to Life) with More Ease!

    Companion Document (PDF) Whenever you step into a new phase of your business, you already know you must market consistently to build your business. What you may not realize is that there are some crucial steps to take before you start sharing your new business or new services with others. In this presentation, Carol...

  • Building a Coaching Business in Diverse Communities

    Do you find it difficult and challenging to coach within communities of color? That sometimes your credentials aren't getting you into the places where you would like to *really* make a difference? Then this call is for you. Attempting to build a business within communities of color takes a slightly different outlook on...

  • Coaching Forum: April 2015

    Join Pat Williams as he discusses with Bill O'Hanlon: How to Write a Book in Record Time in the Midst of Your Busy Life for More Clients, More Income and More Impact Bill O’Hanlon was trained as a psychotherapist, practiced for over 30 years, but now mostly writes books (he has written and...

  • Coaching Senior Transitions

    Have you thought about the potential for life enrichment for seniors via coaching? Former ILCT student and Life Chapters Coach, Phoebe Van Ham, LCSW, BCC will share her experiences working with this population and the array of possibilities for coaching with seniors in various group living arrangements/communities at many levels of health or...

  • Creating With Canva

    Next in our Business Building Series is Creating With Canva. In this training, faculty member Michelle McEllis will pull back the digital curtain and show you how you can use Canva to brand, grow and polish your brand and your business. Watch here: Creating with Canva

  • Creating Your First Coaching Product - Write a Book in a Weekend

    One of the best ways to assist your clients that I've seen to date is offering lower cost products in addition to your coaching packages. Attend this course to learn how to create your first or next coaching product and in particular - write a book in a weekend! I know it sounds...

  • Demystifying Facebook

    Is social media a source of anxiety more than a source of revenue? Do you know the difference between likes on a post and a boost? Join ILCT faculty member, Michelle Armystrong, as she discusses the 7 "musts" for unlocking the power of social media to grow your business.

  • Developing Your Coaching Business

    A lot of students have questions when it comes to turning their coaching passions into actual practices and we’d like to help. As we work to set up the schedule for our next series of free teleconferences and courses for this Fall, Jim and Ellen would love to get your feedback on what...

  • Developing your Personal Brand

    The power of your personal brand will influence all areas of your life. Your personal brand is one of the most powerful tools you have to set your business apart from others. Join ILCT graduate Katie Karppala as she discusses what personal and professional brands are and how they relates to marketing your...

  • Discover Your Client

    Creative Marketing for Coaches: Part 2 Discover Your Client Take the work done in Part 1: Discover Your Why and develop a profile of your ideal client. This conversation will provide insight into the creative exploration of not only who you want to serve, but what their biggest pain points are and what...

  • Discover Your Relationship

    Creative Marketing for Coaches: Part 3 Discover Your Relationship In this final call, we'll talk about how you can use your existing network to grow your coaching business. You'll gain insight in how you can pull it all together so your focus isn't casting "drift nets" out to the world to get clients...

  • Discover Your Why

    Creative Marketing for Coaches: Part 1 Discover Your Why Reverse engineer your marketing and lead generation by discovering why you do the work you do. This goes well beyond the basics such as: "to have my own business, help people, make money, have more freedom," etc. and into a deeper realm of the...

  • Do I Need to Have a Web Presence?

    Why do I need a web presence? Can I have “web presence” without a website? Join Ian from to learn about common misconceptions, practical do’s and don’ts and what to look for when you set out to establish a web presence to be proud of (or fix the one you’ve already got)...

  • Do You Have an Identity Crisis?

    Join ILCT faculty member, Michelle Armstrong, for this free call on 11 strategies to develop and clearly convey your personal brand as a coach, how to market your brand to your ideal clients and do so while making a difference!

  • F.R.I.E.N.D.ship-based Marketing - How to Win Clients and Have Fun Doing it!

    When's the last time you actually looked FORWARD to meeting new potential clients? Most new coaches dread the idea of having to sell themselves in order to get clients, let alone "networking" in order to meet them. Well what if you no longer had to "sell" or "network"? That's what we'll be discussing...

  • For Bloggers: Giving Writer’s Block the Boot

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses overcoming the hurdle of writer's block. Points covered will include: • Conquering fear • Practical exercises • Limit Yourself / Don’t Limit • People love a good story

  • Good, Bad and Ugly: 5 things we’ve learned about coaching professionals’ websites

    Ian and Joe, from Practice Kit, look at coaches’ websites. A lot. As user experience professionals, they share insights, observations (some might surprise you) and simple tips for keeping your website in shape – even when it’s the last thing you have time for. Learn what things are turning your visitors off, what...

  • How to Build A Wildly Successful Business Practice

    Join Jim Vuocolo, MCC, ILCT faculty member who teaches our business development/marketing classes, as he shares suggestions for coaches who are interested in growing their practice.

  • How to Pitch to Magazines as a Go-To Source

    Let’s make you the one media outlets call when they’re looking for an expert. We’ll talk about how to develop relationships with editors and writers and how to find and respond to leads. Also covered: How to draft a focused press release. Gay Norton Edelman is a writing coach, editor and author with...

  • How to Pitch to Magazines as a Writer

    Now’s a great time to establish yourself as a freelance content-provider. You’ll learn how to figure out what print and digital magazines want, how to match your area of expertise with possible markets and how to structure a compelling story pitch. Gay Norton Edelman is a writing coach, editor and author with over...

  • How to Write Outstanding Blogs

    You need and want to blog. But where do ideas come from? What’s the ideal structure and length? Should you have or do guest blogs? How often should you post? Let's get you writing! Gay Norton Edelman is a writing coach, editor and author with over three decades experience in publishing. Her work...

  • Identifying Opportunities to Position Your Coaching Business Now

    Join us for a discussion with ILCT Faculty Member Peter Metzner Finding the “silver lining” in this cloud. Noted Psychologist Richard Wiseman found that "Lucky" people have the uncanny ability to make lemonade out of lemons. Aesculapius, the Greco-Roman god of medicine, decreed that "it is through suffering that we are brought to...

  • Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Coaching Business

    Facebook has over 1 billion users - chances are high that your ideal clients use this platform too. Attend this call, facilitated by Natisha Willis, to learn how to leverage Facebook and YouTube to create a steady stream of content, create your first or next coaching product and create the next 90 days...

  • Leveraging the Holiday Season to Market your Coaching Business

    Join Katie Karppala to explore the power of your network, creating influence, and promoting your business through the holiday season. The call will explore basic principles around this subject, and then open up for a creative brainstorming session. Katie Karppala, BCC, an ILCT student, is the founder of Authentic Dimensions Consulting, LLC, specializing...

  • Mindset: Making the Sales and Marketing Part of Running Your Business Easier

    This is the second call in our three-call series, Calm the Overwhelm: Building the Right Mindset For a Winning Coaching Practice. For many coaches new to running a practice, the idea of selling can be incredibly intimidating. Without selling, however, your coaching practice will not survive. There are skills you can learn to...

  • Mindset: Taking Charge of Your Client Lifetime Value

    This is the third call in our three-call series, Calm the Overwhelm: Building the Right Mindset For a Winning Coaching Practice. Many coaches spend endless hours marketing and building infrastructures to generate leads in their business, however, what time are you putting toward increasing the investment you’ve already made getting that new client...

  • Mindset: Transitioning from Coaching Student to Business Owner

    This is the first call in our three-call series, Calm the Overwhelm: Building the Right Mindset For a Winning Coaching Practice. You work hard to balance life, work and fully participating in your coaching classes so you can get trained and certified as a coach. Although you’ve been provided a good starter kit...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 1: Social Media Overview

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media for the first of this new series of teleconferences sponsored by ILCT and explore: • What is Social Media? • Top 7 reasons people turn to the Internet • Big Picture: Social Media is like gears in a machine • Which Social Networks should you use...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 2: Using Social Media for your Coaching Business

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media to begin exploring who your target market is and what social media platforms they use (Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn) to determine the best platform for you. Learn about the importance of blogging and online forums, as well as the 1 mistake not to make. Companion document...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 3: Facebook for Beginners

    New to marketing on Facebook? Join Tracy Ray, of Pink Pigeon Media to learn more about this big social media platform. Learn about the differences between profiles and pages, and how to create them, build followers, the basics of posting and more. Click here for companion document.

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 4: Getting a Website - Where to Begin

    So, you need a website? Join Tracy Ray, of Pink Pigeon Media, as she discusses this important aspect of your coaching business. Should you do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you? Do you know how to choose a domain name? What is hosting? What are the necessary elements of...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 5: Twitter for Beginners

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses how to harness the power of the "Twitterverse" to build your life coaching business. I. Quick, basic Twitter overview II. Why use Twitter III. Creating a powerful bio IV. Following and being followed a. Hashtags b. Followers of Followers and those they follow...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 6: Blogging

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pidgeon Media as she discusses blogging as a tool to build your coaching practice. I. Quick blog overview II. Starting from scratch a. Blog without a website? b. Defining your blog III. Generating Post Ideas IV. Proper use of images V. Dealing with comments VI. Getting the word...

  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 7: LinkedIn

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she explains how to harness the power of LinkedIn to build your coaching practice.

  • Podcasting For Coaching Impact & Profit

    Podcasting is a powerful way for coaches to get their voice and their message out to the world. Not only do you gain visibility and authority, but podcasting is a great way to drive traffic to your website, grow your email list and ultimately increase revenue! Join us for a FREE Podcasting Masterclass...

  • Practical Tips You Can Use Right Now for Finding Keyword Rich Blog Topics

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses the ins and outs of finding keyword-rich topics for your blog. Points covered will include: • Make a list of keywords • Basic Google search: Relevance of results • Keyword tools: Use ‘em for free to uncover gold • The Curse of Knowledge...

  • Summer Slump: Super Charge Your Social Media

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pidgeon as she discusses techniques for overcoming the summer doldrums and getting things moving again! Topics discussed will include: • Planning a social media calendar • Scheduling posts • Guest Bloggers • Giveaways SUMMER SLUMP (PDF)

  • Technology in Practice: Part 1

    Joe Wyrembelski is co-founder and technical and security lead at Lift Pattern, makers of Practice Kit. In his daily work, Joe fields questions from coaches and counselors about the best ways to protect their privacy and those of their clients online. In this first of a series of calls on technology in your...

  • The 7-Layer Cake Model of Building a Full and Fulfilling Coaching Practice!

    There's so much to consider when building a coaching practice: • Should I seem to coach anyone, or develop a niche? • Where can I find paying clients? • How do I introduce myself in different situations? • Do I need a web site? Liability insurance? • How will I know the best...

  • Tools and Techniques for Video Coaching

    Video coaching is on the rise, but to do it successfully, a little technical know-how goes a long way. Whether you're just curious or already have video clients lining up, join Joe and Ian from Practice Kit as they provide tips on apps, security and confidentiality, choosing a camera (for Mac or PC)...

  • Using Images Effectively

    Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media as she discusses the ins and outs of using images in your online presence. Points covered will include: • Importance of using images • Finding Legal Images • Saving Images for best SEO (show URLs) • Trick for making the most of memes • Easy photo editing

  • What’s the most important element of Money Coaching?

    The coaching part, of course! Coaches often don't feel comfortable working in the area of their client's money lives. This is unfortunate since no other profession possess the powerful tools that coaches routinely employ to help their clients create lasting change. Read more here!