Change Your Questions, Change Your Results


The primary skill of coaches is asking questions that facilitate learning, reflection, thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, conflict resolution, collaboration, and results. Coaches’ questioning skills are empowered by cultivating their own Inquiring mindsets and asking themselves the most productive and generative questions (Question Thinking).

This 10 hour course provides practical new thinking and skill building around questioning and mindset management. It is presented through models, stories and examples, exercises, journaling, learning partners, reading and practice assignments. The Question Thinking material is foundational for any coaching application (life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching, relationship coaching). It aligns with and supports emotional intelligence and positive psychology. Marilee’s bestselling book Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Life and Work is required or recommended by many coach training schools. It is written as a business fable about an executive coach.

In this course, participants will learn:

  • The distinction between asking questions and using questions
  • Why the Learner mindset is the coaching mindset and how to activate and reinforce the Learner mindset both for coaches and coachees
  • Question Thinking methods and tools that empower the Learner mindset, including the Choice Map, Learner/Judger
    mindset distinctions, Learner/Judger questions, and Switching questions
  • How to use these perspectives and tools so they foster engagement, creativity, capacity productivity and long-term learning and results
  • Ways for coaches to immediately implement what they learn

Required Textbook
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching and Results


This course is offered twice a year.

To learn more about this course, listen to an informational call, here.

Course Prerequisites



I thought Change Your Questions, Change Your Results was a great class. I really liked Nancy's style...she was calm, straight to the point and full of information!

- Patty B.

This class had a great mix of lecture, somatic exercises, break out rooms and was so interactive. Class flew by and was packed with learning every time, making it the best class ever!

- Melinda M.

I really liked Nancy's style. She was very organized and polished.

- Pamela D.