Wellness Inventory Certification Training


This certification training will provide in-depth personal experience and practical knowledge of the Wellness Inventory change process as well as a unique coaching skill-set to maximize the program’s effectiveness in creating change in your clients’ lives. The goal of the course is to create competence in delivering the program to both individual and organizational coaching clients.

The Wellness Inventory is an online assessment and life-balance tool that focuses on the whole person in 12 key dimensions of wellness. A powerful tool for coaches, the Wellness Inventory is an advanced version of the life wheel (coaching mandala), and provides invaluable insight into your client and as well as a framework or "organizing principle" within which to work. The course will include a free annual Wellness Inventory subscription for participants, the results of which will be integrated into the curriculum.

Wellness Inventory - Wellness Wheel

Participants will gain proficiency in working with clients with the 12 part wellness wheel (Wellness Energy System) via an ongoing exploration of the wellness wheel as a dynamic hologram of interdependent elements. The process of working with the Wellness Wheel helps to develop greater coherence in your personal life and teaches you how to use this "whole person" process in your coaching to facilitate greater coherence in your clients’ lives.

From a marketing and business perspective, you will learn strategies for using the Wellness Inventory to:

  • Create a wellness dimension in your practice
  • Quickly determine client's "change readiness" in each dimension of wellness
  • Create a framework for ongoing wellness coaching
  • Build your practice and increase client retention
  • Create new profit centers
  • Work with individuals, groups and organizations

Successful completion of the training provides the certification, Certified Wellness Inventory Facilitator.

The Wellness Inventory was created by John W. Travis, MD, MPH, a key founder of the modern wellness movement. Dr. Travis opened the first Wellness Center in the U.S. in 1975 and created the Wellness Inventory, based on his 12 part "Wellness Energy System”, as a whole person intake tool for the center’s one-on-one facilitation process. The person-centered facilitation was a forerunner of contemporary wellness coaching. Earlier, while completing his residency at Johns Hopkins and the National Public Health Service, Dr. Travis was a protégé of Lewis Robbins, MD, MPH, creator of the HRA (Health Risk Appraisal), and worked on the first computerized HRA for the CDC. Unlike the HRA which is a “disease-model” diagnostic tool to determine health risk, the Wellness Inventory is primarily an educational tool that focuses on the wellness of the whole person. It is designed to stimulate awareness for new possibilities for improvement in our lives.

The online version of the Wellness Inventory was created by HealthWorld Online in collaboration with Dr. Travis.

Please Note:

The Level I Wellness Inventory Certification Training also includes two, 2-hour Coaching Skills Labs on Thursday of weeks 10 and 12 of the course (same time as the regular class time).

Students who complete the Level I Wellness Inventory Certification Training will have the opportunity to license the Wellness Inventory program for professional use with their clients at reasonable rates. Contact Jim Strohecker at if you have any questions about licensing.

View On-Demand Webinar on Certification Training (mp4 Video)
The webinar explores the foundations of our whole person wellbeing philosophy, and includes a live demo of the Wellness Inventory program and an overview of our Certification Training: View now

Interview with the Training's Creators
Listen to interview with Wellness Inventory Certification Training co-creators Jim Strohecker and Bobbie Burdett. The interview focuses on our wellness philosophy, the Wellness Inventory, our wellness coaching method and Holographic Change Process, as well as the Certification Training.

After registering through ILCT using a link below, you will be contacted by the Wellness Inventory within 48 hours with your login to their training center, and a Welcome Letter for the Certification Training.

Frequency: This course is offered twice a year.

Course Prerequisites

20 hours of core coach training

Register for this course

Select a class term from the list below.

Date October 30, 2024 - February 19, 2025

Time 7:00 pm ET - 9:00 pm ET

Day Wednesday

Type Video Conference

Faculty Jim Strohecker


The Certification Training is phenomenal. It is a great course for every health care provider, because it allows for deep exploration into your own aspects of wellness, so that you have more to offer clients. I am leaving the course a transformed person!

- Buddy Ann R., RN, BSN, MS

I highly recommend the Wellness Inventory Assessment Training to professional coaches who want to expand their client offerings as well as acquire an array of new coaching skills. You will learn how to increase your client's awareness and as an added bonus, you have an opportunity to improve your wellness status.

- Tina E., MBA, PCC

The courses on The Wellness Inventory provide the tools and training necessary to be a masterful coach. I experienced an in-depth look at the Inventory, my coaching, and myself. Everything I expected and more.

- June B., Ed.D., PCC

A healthy coach who understands the holographic process presented in the Wellness Inventory can change the world through coaching. In this course, I gained insight into my own lifestyle, found excitement in understanding change, and deepened my learning about how to achieve high quality of life. I definitely will bring a refreshed outlook to my clients.

- Barbara C.

The Wellness Inventory is a powerful tool for health and wellness coaches and their clients. Coaching is all about motivation, intention and follow through, and the Wellness Inventory provides clients with invaluable feedback and the ability to track progress in any of the 12 areas of life. This tool should be part of every coach's tool box.

- Dr. Patrick Williams Founder, Institute for Life Coach Training