Cognitive Behavioral Coaching


With its origins in psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) is a powerful coaching model that draws on evidence based psychological models. We will begin with an introduction to CBC with links to reading materials that offer a basic working definition. The course will progress to various applications including adolescents, the workplace, smoking cessation, and procrastination. This course includes an audio lecture and PowerPoint as well as sample forms and a Behavioral Contracting e-book.

CBC aims to help clients gain a perspective about whatever is at the root of that person’s difficulty. Coach and client work together to identify what might be stopping an individual from reaching his or her full potential and what action is needed to take charge of their situation.

This course includes:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Coaching: Definitions and Applications
  • Background and origins of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching
  • Definition and full explanation of the CBC process
  • How the Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Model works
  • Different types of cognitive distortion and how to address them
  • Three detailed case studies so you can see CBC in action

To complete the course you will need to have access to a computer/tablet and should be comfortable using the Internet as you will be working on an e-learning platform. Students will have one year to complete the requirements for this course.

Required Textbook

Cognitive Behavioural Coaching in Practice: An Evidence Based Approach (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge) 2nd Edition by Michael Neenan and Stephen Palmer (2nd edition)

This course discusses psychological origins and terms related to counseling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). We trust that whether you are a therapist, therapist-coach, or coach that you will keep your individual scope of practice in mind as you assist your clients. We feel that a basic understanding of psychological terms can help further delineate for the coach when psychological services or mental health interventions might be more useful with certain individuals.

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites

No other courses required

Register for this course


This was a fabulous course! I really appreciated DeeAnna's feedback and suggestions for improvement and incorporation of CBC strategies!

- L. B.

I just wanted to say that of all the coaching courses I've taken, this was the most interesting and rewarding. I think your syllabus did a great job of laying out the CBC framework and hitting many important and complex issues. Even though I was trained as a CBT psychologist and most of the content was review for me I thoroughly enjoyed the review and even picked up some new metaphors and exercises to use with clients. Thank you!

- A.W.

I really appreciated that the required text was an updated edition published in 2022 (written in light of the COVID pandemic and including 3 new chapters - I personally appreciated the chapter on health and well being coaching.)I also appreciated the inclusion of coach-coachee dialogues. And, I found some of the added resources valuable as well. It was also encouraging to have the moderator comment on my work and affirm my processing after each assignment submission.

- J. K.