Advanced Topics Colloquial


This course is for those coaches who are committed to their professional development and who want to become more masterful and offer their clients exceptional coaching.

This course is 14 hours over 10 weeks. The first and last calls are an hour, the remaining 8 calls are 1.5 hours.


  • Hone coaching skills
  • Increase coaching mastery
  • More skillfully develop own coaching style
  • Embody the coaching approach (non-directive, whole person, client as expert)
  • Fully understand the coach’s responsibility of being the expert of the coaching process
  • Become aware of own areas for growth
  • Self-manage
  • Appreciate a variety of coaching approaches

Class Structure

Theme-based as a central organizing principle, e.g. boundaries in coaching: brief didactic on the theme; case presentations from participants’ caseloads; discussion; role-playing; exploring the coaching process.


  • Boundaries
  • Developing and using intuition
  • Coach’s self-management
  • Creating awareness for the client
  • Languaging: non-judgmental, charge neutral, advocacy vs. cheerleading, acknowledging vs. complimenting, support vs. approval.
  • Embodying the belief of client as whole, competent, capable, creative, resourceful
  • Enlisting and believing in the client’s brilliance
  • When and how to make referrals

Participant Requirements

  • Be actively engaged in weekly triad or quad buddy coaching
  • Write a short paragraph before (what are your thoughts about the upcoming topic?) and after each class (what was your learning about the topic?)
  • Prepare a brief case presentation for your chosen topic.
  • Actively participate in the class.

Facilitator(s) Contributions

  • Present didactic teaching on the topic
  • Facilitate the role-plays and discussions
  • Observe and offer insights about the coaching

Frequency: This course is offered once a year, depending on level of interest.

Course Prerequisites

It is not required, but highly recommended that the following are true before taking this course:

  • Minimum of 100 hours of coaching experience
  • Successfully attained a LCS and/or ACC
  • Currently working with at least 3 paying clients

Register for this course

Select a class term from the list below.

Date October 2, 2024 - December 11, 2024

Time 12:00 pm ET - 1:30 pm ET

Day Wednesday

Type Video Conference

Faculty Lynn Meinke, PCC