
  • Multiple Relationships as a Coach, Ethical or Not?
October 24, 1:17 am

2018 Series - Staying Out of Ethical Hot Water for Coaches is looking at “gray areas” of coaching ethics. This means, you may not find specific ICF ethics code for these gray areas, however a lack of awareness in these gray areas can lead to a breach of black and white ethics code.

In this lively discussion, we’ll be diving into multiple relationships with clients and sponsors and how without full awareness it could land a coach in ethical hot water.

We will be looking more closely at:

• Coaching family members, colleagues, partners or friends

• What could potentially happen in coaching when engaging with multiple relationships

• What about coaching family’s and other members of the family i.e. siblings, etc.

• What about coaching leaders and their subordinates at the same time

• We will review a multiple relationship ethical dilemma.

• What to do if you choose to have multiple relationships as a coach.

ILCT faculty member Tina Elliot is a Coaching Ethics Specialist with over 13 years of experience as a Board Member on the ICF’s Independent Review Board processing ethical complaints against coaches, a member of the ICF Code of Ethics Review Teams updating the ICF ethics code and creating ethics education and training for coaches so they may “Stay Out of Ethical Hot Water.”

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