Imagery and Spiritual Awakening


The imagination is one of the “places” where we encounter God and Self in powerful ways; it is in this sanctuary that we can listen most attentively, feel most deeply, be most creative and receive the greatest clarity. For many, however, accessing this dimension of Self is a challenge. Our rational self tells us that journeying into the imagination is child’s play; or fear convinces us that the imagination is filled with terrifying specters that could turn our lives upside down. Instead of taking the mysterious journey inwards, we remain on the surface, satisfied with what is safe, rote and predictable. However, if we are seeking Spiritual Awakening, either for ourselves or for our coaching clients, imagery is the perfect tool to make this happen!

This course is designed specifically for Coaches so that you can learn to use aspects of Image Guidance in all forms of coaching, from spiritually-based coaching to executive coaching; it offers another “coaching tool” which you can use for accessing the imagination and for guiding clients in a way that is both safe, appropriate and enlightening. Though initially created as a therapeutic tool, I have since adapted it for coaching contexts and this will be our focus. Coaching applications include, but are not limited to:

  • Encouraging clients to identify and describe emotions such as fear, frustration, excitement, enthusiasm;
  • Fostering awareness so that clients can identify and name “blocks” to their success, thereby reducing their negative energy, allowing them to become “unstuck”;
  • Assisting clients to imagine new possibilities and outcomes and to work towards specific goals;
  • Working with clients to prioritize, take action and evaluate;
  • Affirming clients’ hopes and dreams while re-enforcing their belief in self and their understanding of a “Divine Plan”;
  • Supporting clients in their desire to accept new positions of leadership, or areas of professional or personal responsibility etc.

Imagery and Spiritual Awakening will involve lectures, readings and discussions, instructor-led model sessions of Image Guidance, student practice, as well as the evaluation of brief student transcripts.

To learn more about my process, visit my website; if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.

Learn more about Image Guidance


Stewart, Elizabeth-Anne. Mind-Shifting Imagery: Image Guidance for Life Coaches


Vanek, Elizabeth-Anne. Image Guidance: A Tool for Spiritual Direction. (NJ: Paulist Press, 1992).

Vanek, Elizabeth-Anne. Image Guidance and Healing. (NJ: Paulist Press, 1994).

Course Prerequisites


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Date August 19, 2024 - October 7, 2024

Time 6:00 pm ET - 7:30 pm ET

Day Monday

Type Video Conference

Faculty Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, PhD, BCC, PCC


"Elizabeth is an outstanding instructor. ‘Imagery and Spiritual Awakening’ was rich, interesting, and enlightening. Her gentle manner and the depth of her knowledge calls me to add her tools and techniques to my coaching. I’ll be signing up for any further courses she teaches."

- Laura C.

“I loved this class and couldn’t wait for each week’s session! I highly recommend this course on Imagery Guidance and Spiritual Awakening to coaches who want another tool for their toolbox. Using the material Dr. Elizabeth Stewart taught has significantly changed my approach to coaching, opening doors to clients quickly and elegantly that would have remained closed using other methods. My budding awareness of imagery as well as the client’s spirituality, archetypes, and even dreams provides a powerful method for their self-discovery in moving forward. Elizabeth embodies a generosity of spirit that made for a comfortable and exciting learning experience. She provided resources far beyond what are usually included in a classroom setting. I look forward to using this invaluable knowledge to enhance my own life as well as the lives I touch through coaching. Thank you, Dr. Stewart!"

- T.V.

Elizabeth was very clear on how the material/tools she taught could be implemented safely and ethically by coaches. Her teaching and demonstrations of Image Guidance and her comments on my Image Guidance transcripts have equipped me to introduce this tool to those clients who are open to imagery as a means of accessing their inner wisdom.

- D.D.

The teacher is so fabulous, I truly value her! Very grateful I got to take her course!

- D.S.