Introduction to Wellness Coaching


This course designed to give the coach a foundation and starting point with relevant information, theories, and skills to work with clients to transform their life. Wellness coaching is truly a holistic coaching practice that requires an understanding of, and compassion for all areas of a person’s life. Being aware of, and understanding how vital an individual’s wellness is to their overall success in life is key to being a great coach!

Course objectives include:

  • Define wellness coaching
  • Identify the appropriate scope of practice
  • Identify wellness assessments and how to use them
  • Identify the Stages of Change and utilize 9 change processes
  • Explain the significance of SMART goals in establishing accountability

To complete the course you will need to have access to a computer/tablet and be comfortable using the Internet as you will be working on an e-learning platform, viewing and listening presentations, as well as providing input in an interactive relationship with the course instructor. Students will have one year to complete the requirements for this course.

Required text:

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change By Michael Arloski

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites


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I can't express enough how much I loved this course. Initially, I did not think that a self-paced class would be so valuable. But I would recommend this class to anyone in health and wellness sectors, from doctors to coaches to even front office staff. Michelle was a great instructor, and though it was only through online communication, her sincerity and willingness to educate and inform came through.

- Chitra P.

I loved learning about how wellness coaching is really ALL coaching. Wellness coaching and the content described in this course, is something I have been working on with all of my clients even if they are not coming to coaching specifically for wellness. Coaching is being well.

- Alexa

I truly enjoyed this class. I thought this was such an excellent source of information and felt extremely supported the whole way. Your feedback and emailing made me know that you were right along with me the whole time! I loved the textbook and would highly recommend it to anyone pursuing coaching. Thank you for this beautiful class.

- Sarah