Motivating Your Clients to Success


How do we motivate our clients to success? This course gives you hands-on tools and strategies to help guide your clients to goal attainment. The course includes a client workbook on goal-setting as well as pointers on building trust, listening to your client, powerful questioning and simple communication. You will understand the role self-esteem plays in reaching goals as well as the importance of mission and vision.

The reading material is full of case studies and dialogue bringing these course concepts to life.

Topics Discussed Include:

  • Theories of Motivation
  • Engaged Listening
  • Powerful Questions
  • Giving Feedback
  • Goal Setting

Required Text:
Coaching for Breakthrough Success: Proven Techniques for Making Impossible Dreams Possible by Jack Canfield & Peter Chee.

To complete the course you will need to have access to a computer/tablet and be comfortable using the Internet as you will be working on an e-learning platform as well as providing input in an interactive relationship with the course instructor. Students will have one year to complete the requirements for this course.

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites


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This course delivered a vision of what to expect when coaching clients and helping them reach their next level. It was a very meaningful course that provided more clarity on how to push the client further.

- X.Q.