Principles of Psychospiritual Coaching


The psychospiritual approach, known as InnerView Guidance, reflects the soul knowledge it takes to navigate the interior landscape with a new map. This is positive psychology for what the soul wants. InnerView Guidance is the process of aligning the feelings, needs, values and purposes which allow our inner and outer worlds to be congruent. It’s about narrowing the gap between one’s persona in the world and the summons of true personhood; to be within yourself that you would like to foster in the world at large. It involves listening closely to the nuanced voice of wisdom. No matter how brief or long-term, it is a journey that takes us from:

  • our present situation to our preferred state
  • repeating patterns to empowered choices
  • what doesn’t really matter to what matters most
  • what doesn’t belong to us to owning what does
  • nursing wounds of the past to initiating new beginnings
  • what needs to be released to manifesting our soul vision

In this course you will learn how to focus on the person first, rather than perceiving them through the lens of an issue. You will explore the 4Fold Path which offers a dimensional approach to understanding the psychospiritual individual. We will also delve deeper into practicing attunement within the coaching relationship. The InnerView Guidance model can be applied to faith-based and multi-faith coaching, as well as non-religious spiritual coaching. Applications of InnerView Guidance are presented through case studies as well.

Required book: Applications of a Psychospiritual Model in the Helping Professions: Principles of InnerView Guidance by Cedric Speyer & John Yaphe.

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites


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I thoroughly enjoyed this class! It was very informative and eye opening.

- E.G.

The course was presented with respect to religious beliefs and did not get into political or social issues. The professor and the authors of the required reading created a safe place for me to learn and about a program to do the same with clients

- R.R.

I found value in knowing that helping clients understand and integrate their different layers, I can support them in making positive changes in their lives and achieving their goals.

- R.D.